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Giving views and opinions on the latest gaming news and releases

Wednesday, 20 July 2011


so guys, this domain name should belong to Activision, right? wrong.  everytime you go to this website, it redirects you to EA's Battlefield 3 page!  is this right? Could it be a disgruntled fan boy? whats happening?  
well,, it runs out we have no idea who registered this domain name, but after legal action by activision, the ip address of whoever owns it was revealed. Who knows if they will do anything other than take down the domain.
post below with what you think should happen to it and what the consequences should be.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

BFBC3 or MW3?

okay guys, so its pre-order time for the two big FPS titles atm, Battlefield Bad Company 3 and COD MW3, but as of yet, we still havent heard of any big news from Sledgehammer games regarding the multiplayer features of MW3, are you worried?
Post below with which game you'll be pre-ordering.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Annihalation Map Pack

So guys, the Annihalation map pack is about to be released for Xbox systems in three days, are you excited?
I'm not. The reason? I hate the deal microsoft has with activision. Not only is it unfair for PS3 gamers such as myself, but also for the PC and wii gamers. The map pack itself looks ok, although i know most people will only be buying it for the new zombie map. So what do you think? Is this deal unfair? are yo0u looking forward to the map pack? and are you only buying it for the zombies map? comment below.

Friday, 10 June 2011

E3 Letdown

Sorry its been a while since my last blog but i've been swamped with college work.

WELL, E3 was a massive letdown, the Wii U looks terrible, no masive breakthroughs were announced and generally it was a dissapointment. The only half decent thing about it was MW3, which even at that looked more like MW 2.5 , no more to comment.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

E3 Expo

So the E3 Expo is coming up, and to be honest, i'm excited, very excited. I can't wait to see all the newest games being announced , and of course Project Cafe's big reveal. Hoping for some big titles to be officially announced. Post below with what you hope to see in this years E3.

Friday, 27 May 2011

MW2 : The Hacks Are Back?!

Hi guys, so today i decided to go ahead and play a bit of Modern Warfare 2 on PS3. I got into a Team Daethmatch on Quarry, and what do you know? Those SON OF A BITCH HACKERS are back!  some random text just started scrolling on my screen, sayin "yeah thats right bitches, Hacks are BACK!!".
What the hell Infiinty Ward?! Good job stopping all that!! Now i'm not sure if its safe to play online again, i mean, will i lose my stuff if one of these assholes suddenly decides to fuck with the game again?!  GET IT SORTED!
Post below with your opinions and what you hope to be done about this.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Modern Warfare 3

So, the MW3 reveal trailer was released a couple of days ago, and to be honest, i think it was a bit of a disappointment, i mean sure, it gave you location details of where the missions will take place, but we didn't get any info on the main storyline! C'mon Infinity Ward, we want more!! Post below with your opinions on the reveal trailer and what you hope to see in the coming months.

My First Blog

Hi, just a quick introductory blog to let everyone know what my future writings will be about. I'm basically just going to be giving my views on latest gaming news and releases, and also generally giving ideas and opinions on what games should be featuring next. I hope you guys and gals enjoy my blog, thanks for reading.