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Wednesday, 20 July 2011


so guys, this domain name should belong to Activision, right? wrong.  everytime you go to this website, it redirects you to EA's Battlefield 3 page!  is this right? Could it be a disgruntled fan boy? whats happening?  
well,, it runs out we have no idea who registered this domain name, but after legal action by activision, the ip address of whoever owns it was revealed. Who knows if they will do anything other than take down the domain.
post below with what you think should happen to it and what the consequences should be.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

BFBC3 or MW3?

okay guys, so its pre-order time for the two big FPS titles atm, Battlefield Bad Company 3 and COD MW3, but as of yet, we still havent heard of any big news from Sledgehammer games regarding the multiplayer features of MW3, are you worried?
Post below with which game you'll be pre-ordering.